DaDaBIK 5 is here
Posted by Eugenio on 24 Nov 2012
Hi all,
I am really glad and released to announce that DaDaBIK 5 is finally here!
DaDaBIK 5 comes with a new GUI and tons of new features, including:
- A completely new granular permissions manager
- PHP hooks to extend DaDaBIK capabilities
- HTML templates for data grids.
I am sure it will bring its users to a new level in terms of Web Database Application Rapid Development, please take the time to check it out the BRAND NEW DEMO.
You can find all the (20+) new features, changes, security and other fixes reviewing the change log. As you can see, also the Website has been completely re-designed.
There are now three versions of DaDaBIK: BASIC, PRO and ENTERPRISE, you can review the features of each here
All the customers who bought DaDaBIK in the last two months can upgrade to DaDaBIK 5 PRO for free and to DaDaBIK enterprise paying €50.
All Supporters and Patrons (customers who bought DaDaBIK paying €50/€100, at any time) can upgrade to DaDaBIK 5 ENTERPRISE for free.
Write to payments at dadabik dot org if you want to use your upgrade option.