Like, disLike & Propose, the DaDaBIK Wiki is here!
Posted by Eugenio on 14 Feb 2011
Hi folks,
today the DaDaBIK Wiki ( opens to anyone who wishes to express his opinion about DaDaBIK.
Like, disLike & Propose is the title of the Wiki and the aim is to allow users to freely and easily tell three things: what they LIKE about DaDaBIK, what they DON'T LIKE and what they PROPOSE for the future releases.
The Wiki is open to anyone, registration is not needed to edit. If you prefer you can register and login, in that case you can also easily sign your edits.
After six weeks since its opening, one of the proposals will be chosen; through the Wiki the DaDaBIK developers together with the users will discuss about high-level aspects of its implementation and finally the developers will implement the proposal as a new DaDaBIK feature.