
Like, disLike & Propose, the DaDaBIK Wiki is here!

Posted by Eugenio on 14 Feb 2011

Hi folks,
today the DaDaBIK Wiki ( opens to anyone who wishes to express his opinion about DaDaBIK.

Like, disLike & Propose is the title of the Wiki and the aim is to allow users to freely and easily tell three things: what they LIKE about DaDaBIK, what they DON'T LIKE and what they PROPOSE for the future releases.

The Wiki is open to anyone, registration is not needed to edit. If you prefer you can register and login, in that case you can also easily sign your edits.

After six weeks since its opening, one of the proposals will be chosen; through the Wiki the DaDaBIK developers together with the users will discuss about high-level aspects of its implementation and finally the developers will implement the proposal as a new DaDaBIK feature.


DaDaBIK has SQLite support, v. 4.4 alpha is out!

Posted by Eugenio on 2 Feb 2011

Hi all,
I'm proud to announce that DaDaBIK has now SQLite support!

The SQLite database engine has become very popular in the last years and I think its support can increase the user base of DaDaBIK.

Since I experienced some problems in trying to write an ADOdb driver for SQLite3, I chose to use the PDO library instead; this means that you need at least PHP 5.1 to use DaDaBIK with SQLite.

Beyond SQLite support, you can find the complete list of new features, feature changes and fixed bugs for DaDaBIK 4.4 alpha in the change log.

Maybe it's important to point out that the SQL logging feature, due to some problems I experienced with the last ADOdb releases used since DaDaBIK 4.3 beta RC2, is not available anymore.


DaDaBIK can be flattred

Posted by Eugenio on 22 Dec 2010

Do you know flattr? It's a social micropayments system and I think it's a very nice idea.

You can help the DaDaBIK project by flattring it! Just click on the icon on the up-right corner.


DaDaBIK 4.3 final release is OUT!

Posted by Eugenio on 8 Dec 2010

Hi all,
I'm proud to announce the final release of DaDaBIK 4.3.

After 3 months of work, 6 intermediate releases, about 25 bugs fixed and several new features/changes, we can provide a final release.

I hope this could be a milestone in the DaDaBIK development process.

In this release the main changes are the upgrade to TinyMCE (this can fix security problems and other issues that the old TinyMCE version used could cause), the fix of the extracting problems with some MS Windows systems and the fix of some delete-all related bugs. The complete list of the changes are available in the changelog. The on-line changelog for some reasons didn't contain the changes for DaDaBIK 4.3 beta 3, this was fixed too.

I have added a small Amazon link to the Amazon mp3 store in the admin interface. If you buy mp3s from that link (can be a nice XMASS gift!) you can financially support DaDaBIK. If you don't like it, DaDaBIK it's open source so you can delete it.


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