
Any advice on a new forum software?

Posted by Eugenio on 10 Oct 2010

I need to switch to a new forum software, any advice?
I will probably keep the old one read-only, or, if possibile, epxport the messages.
My needs are:
- open source
- light
- easily embeddable in the site layout
- rank system (for user and post)


Update on donation campaign & new release soon

Posted by Eugenio on 4 Oct 2010

Hi folks,

I have to spend a couple of words talking about the donation campaign: since I posted my appeal to donate in order to allow the project to continue (more or less three weeks ago) I received 18 donations.

I am very happy about your answer. Really.

Several donations are small but no problem, I think that the act of donating is still very important regardless of the amount. The "donation economy" is something that could really change the way software (and other things) is created and distributed and we should really get used to try it (both passively and actively) to understand if it can work.

Here is the list of our heroes (not complete, I haven't got all the permissions to publish)!!:

Rüdiger Fritsch
Richard Bradbury
Yiannis Vavouranakis
Roberto Javega
William Armstrong
Robert Bacchas
Patrick Simon
James Merrihew
David H.
Michael Frotscher
Jason Fifner

Many many thanks guys! Please continue! :)

I also want to tell a big "thank you" to RHX, the italian software and hosting company that since many years ago is providing Web hosting and domains to DaDaBIK for FREE. These guys strongly believe in Open Source software and they demonstrate it with facts.

Ok, second thing: a new release of DaDaBIK will be available soon, together with a new Graphical User Interface! :-)

Very last point: DaDaBIK is now on Twitter: I still don't know if I will use it just as a reminder for the posts published in the main site or for something different, anyway…follow us! :)



DaDaBIK 4.3 alpha is out. Master/details view: done!

Posted by Eugenio on 14 Sep 2010

A new DaDaBIK release is out, together with a big new feature: the master/details view, that allows to easy handle a typical One-to-Many relationship.

For example if you have an albums table and a songs table you can set DaDaBIK to display in the same page the details of an album and the result list of the songs linked to. Here is an example directly from the updated DaDaBIK demo: (first login in the demo and then follow the link)

It is also possible to link more than one details table to the same master.

I set up a donate+download button and I encourage you to use it, it is the only way to allow the further development of DaDaBIK!

Check the change log for the complete list of changes.


DaDaBIK is ALIVE and need your support!

Posted by Eugenio on 9 Sep 2010

Hi folks,
yes, I know, long time since the last post and almost three years since the last DaDaBIK release :(

I haven't had enough time for DaDaBIK in the last period and, to be honest, I also haven't had enough reasons to spend my nights and my spare time in coding and testing as I did before.

It's hard to believe but the next year DaDaBIK will turn ten. Ten years! First public release on Sourceforge: November 2001. I can't imagine how many bugs that version contained :))

Many many times during this “sabbathic” period I tried to decide something about the future of DaDaBIK but I didn't manage to do it.
But...after nine years from the first release, almost three years from the last release and more than two years of “silence” I still get e-mail from people who want to thank me, people still download DaDaBIK, people still write on the forum, people still use DaDaBIK:
so now I'm sure that DaDaBIK is not dead and I WANT TO KEEP IT ALIVE because maybe was one of the most useful things I made.

I used to work as a consultant for a software house but some months ago I decided to quit my job and to dedicate the next year almost entirely to scientific research: I'm doing a PhD on recommender systems ( and I have to work hard on it now; I won't have so much spare time but I really want to take some time for DaDaBIK...even because I really need some coding activity :)
But this time I really need your support; DaDaBIK is still a GPL software but, after hundreds of hours spent on it for free, now I really would like to have some economic return for the future work. If you think DaDaBIK is useful, I ask you to donate some money to the project; even a few euros/dollars is enough if a lot of people will do it. If you also use DaDaBIK for your business and make money with it, you should perceive the donation as the MOST NORMAL THING TO DO.

Chris Anderson predicted that "free is the future of business"; I instead hope the future will be: users paying small fees (would be great if voluntarily) for good services/software, and I want to experiment this with DaDaBIK.

I still don't know if I will implement a real business model for DaDaBIK, by now I would like to put more emphasis on free donations and see what happens, see if the community will respond to my appeal; then maybe I will try a more structured approach (see for example how the ardour project gets money or a donation-per-feature approach. I also thought about double licensing and selling a commercial version of DaDaBIK, what do you think? Will someone be interested in paying for a commercial/premium version of DaDaBIK? DON'T WORRY, my ideas is too always keep a GPL version available.

I don't know exactly where to start; the code is a bit old-fashion now but it's clean and it works so for the moment I think it wouldn't be so useful to rewrite DaDaBIK from scratch using some modern paradigm. Maybe it would be better to start implementing the next steps of the road map or including some of the custom features that users added to DaDaBIK during these years.
The Web site too would need an update, but maybe at the moment just for the fourm: the forum system (phorum) is very old and now there are many open source systems with a lot of interesting features like the trust level of each user. What do you thing about this? Any suggestions? I think the second issue in order of importance would be adding a real blog system to the site instead of this home-made announcement system.

Last but not least: I (we) really have to say a big “thank you!” to Debbie, who during these years took care of the support forum, even during my virtual absence. Debbie YOU ARE GREAT!

Ok, long post but many things to say after so long time. Now I would like to read your comment, please let me know what you think.



Web site problems solved

Posted by Eugenio on 28 Jul 2008

Hi all,
during the last three weeks this Web site has experienced some problems in sending e-mails. The problems have been solved.

About the Forum issues (PHP5 compatibility) you probably noticed (I didn't post about this) that I solved them some time ago, without upgrading Phorum; the only problem is an annoying error message that you can see viewing a post detail without being logged-in (e.g. but the forum is totally usable.

I want to thank Rainer Scheidegger for this, who pointed me out a very simple solution.


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