We have a brand new Forum Platform
Posted by Eugenio on 1 Feb 2022
Dear users,
after exactly 20 years, our forum, based on the Phorum platform, is ready to retire.
We have a new, modern, forum, based on the amazing Xenforo platform and I have migrated all the ~20k posts and users to it.
The forum has everything you expect from a modern platform:
- personalized notifications (alert / email)
- you can "mention" another user
- you can "watch" a forum you want to follow
- reactions on posts
- avatars
- gamification (users badges, points, ... )
- media embedding
- looks great on mobile
and much more.
The main URL of the forum is still the same:
Your forum account has been preserved and your old password should just work. In case it doesn't, you can use the forgot password feature and reset it through an email link.
I am not sure if I will be able to migrate your profile pics (avatar), you might need to upload a new one if you want.
Let me know what you think by replying to this email or by posting on this forum thread.
There is one more thing. Xenforo has a special "suggestions" forum type (which allows upvotes) so, apart from the support and general discussion forums, we now have a new Feature Suggestions forum that will replace Canny as suggestions platform so, starting from now, please use the new Feature Suggestions forum to propose/upvote features you would like to see implemented.
What happened to the old suggestions already posted on Canny?
There are about 90 suggestions on Canny and I have imported almost all of them and their related upvotes. If your old suggestions or upvotes are missing feel free to add them; if for some reason you want your suggestions/upvotes to be removed, reply to this email.
I couldn't import the comments (to the suggestions) from Canny but it would be nice to have them so if you can spend a few minutes on that, please copy your Canny comments and paste them in our new forum; I can then change the comments date/time to reflect to original ones if you like.
Goodbye Phorum, you have been a really precious tool for 20 years, allowing the DaDaBIK community to grow and communicate. Welcome Xenforo and thank you for taking us to the new generation
of digital communities!