
DaDaBIK 4.0 released

Posted by Eugenio on 4 Oct 2006

Hi all,
DaDaBIK 4.0 is available.

The main changes: this final version fixes some bugs on Oracle, has a new language (Swedish) and an improved documentation.

You can find the complete list of new features and fixed bugs in the change log.



What's happening and poll

Posted by Eugenio on 22 Sep 2006

Hi all,
I'm trying to perform some tests on Oracle before releasing 4.0 final.

While you are waiting for the new release please answer the poll I have put in the homepage; it's important for me to know the DBMS you use with DaDaBIK.

23/09 update: if you are an Oracle user and want to help during the test process please contact me: eugenio dot tacchini at unicatt dot it



DaDaBIK 4.0 beta and 4.0 beta 2 released

Posted by Eugenio on 24 Jan 2006

Hi all,
DaDaBIK 4.0 beta and 4.0 beta 2 are available.

The main new feature is about DBMS compatibility: DaDaBIK now officially supports Oracle and MS SQL Server DBMS. A special thanks to Claude Moreau (claude dot moreau dot olom at gmail dot com) for the great work he did on the Oracle porting.

Among the various bug fixes, the most important one is the possibility to use the required property with file types: it is now possible without problems.

Why two versions, beta and beta 2? Just because in the 4.0 beta release there was some missing information in the documentation, the 4.0 beta 2 release fix this issue.

You can find the complete list of new features and fixed bugs in the change log.



DaDaBIK 4.1 development branch and development status

Posted by Eugenio on 8 Dec 2005

Hi all,
I have created today the 4.1 branch of DaDaBIK.

In the subversion repository (, /branches/4.1 folder, you can already find a working version which includes the following new features:

- Previous and next buttons are now available in edit and details views.
- DaDaBIK now remembers the last search executed on a table, even if you change table.

While I'm working on the future 4.1 version, some people are working to make DaDaBIK Oracle-compatible; when the porting is finished I will officially release v. 4.0 beta.


MS SQL Server support

Posted by Eugenio on 18 Nov 2005

Hi all,
the current development version of DaDaBIK ( offers support for MS SQL Server. All DaDaBIK features but the admin refresh and the insert "other...." on select_single field operations seem to work fine on this DBMS.

At the moment there is also a person who is testing DaDaBIK on Oracle, applying the needed changes to the code.

I think the next official release of DaDaBIK (4.0 beta) will contain support for both MS SQL server and Oracle.

Since I have found a way to stop spam comments posting (at least I hope so), I have enabled again anonymous news comments.



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