New release
Hi all,
a new version of DaDaBIK, 2.2.1, is available; in this version:
Fixed bugs
- When a record containing an image_file or generic_file field was updated without uploading a new file, the record loosed the link with the old file; this bug has been fixed.
- When a user perform a search in a table containing an image_file or generic_file field the "browse" button was displayed by the browser for those fields, this behaviour makes no sense; this bug has been fixed.
- The field names of the where clause in the update statements were not back quoted, consequently the update failed if the name of the primary key field needed to be escaped (e.g. a reserved word), this bug has been fixed.
- The dutch version of DaDaBIK produced a parse error, this bug has been fixed.
New features
- It is now possible to choose if you want to delete (both in the database and phisically) a previously uploaded file.
- When two or more files with the same name are uploaded, a new name is assigned automatically (e.g. my_file.txt become my_file_2.txt if my_file.txt already exists, my_file_3 if also my_file_2 already exists and so on).
- It is now possible to configure DaDaBIK to accept all files (regardless to the extensions) coming from upload.
- Since DaDaBIK requires to set magic_quotes_gpc = on in php.ini (which is the default setting), now if magic_quotes_gpc is off DaDaBIK will stop and display an error message.