
DaDaBIK 3.2 beta released - Web site improvements

Hi all,
DaDaBIK 3.2 beta is available.
The main improvements:

  • The authentication code has been in part rewritten, in particular DaDaBIK stores now user information in the database and passwords are now md5 encrypted, you can use DaDaBIK itself in order to add and delete users, show and modify users information and it is also possible to use a pre-existent users table.

  • Six new languages are available: Croatian, Polish, Catalan, Estonian, Rumanian, Portuguese.

  • The documentation has been updated and improved, in particular a FAQ section is now available.

A lot of bug have been fixed, in particular all the "Undefined variable" error messages and the "[08] Error: during query execution" error message that appeared in the details view if, for a field, the primary key field name of the main table was the same of the primary key field name of the linked table.

As usual, you can check the complete changelog for further details.

As you can see, some sections of the Web site has been added/improved: in particular the "Get involved & donations" section explains how to get involved in the DaDaBIK project.

I'm looking for someone who makes the commitment to keep in touch with all the translators, and send me all the translation updates every time a new DaDaBIK version is released; if you are interested, please contact me (eugenio dot tacchini at unicatt dot it).
